Monday, 15 September 2014

Ewok words

Hey guys I am back. Did you know that Ewoks have a lot of words. For example Aargutcha means pull

Aargutcha (ar gooch ah) v.  1. Pull.Acha (ah chah)  1. Okay.  2. All right.Ah-ah (ah ah) n.  1. Water.
Akeeata (ah kee ah tah) v.  1. Hear.Allayloo (ah lay loo) v.  1. Celebrate.Ando (an doh) adj.  1. Forward.Arandee (ar ahn dee) v.  1. Listen.Azar (ay zar) n.  1. Magic.Bingee (bin jee) v.  1. Guide.Bi toto (bee toh toh) n.  1. Direction.Bok chuu-ock (bahk choo ahk) adj.  1. Far away. Cha (chah)  1. Them.Chak (chahk)  1. Yes.Che (chee) adj.  1. Free as in liberty..Chesl (chess uhl) v.  1. Bring.  2. Fetch.Chiotto (chee oh toh)  1. May I have..?.Chiutatal (chy oo tah tail) n.  1. Moon.Choo doo (choo doo) adj.  1. Enough.Chuck (chuk) adj.  1. Much.Churi (chor ee) n.  1. Mountain.Chyasee (chy ah see) v.  1. Help.Coatee-cha (kote tee chah) v.  1. Celebrate.Coro (kor oh)  1. Can you...?.Cupee (cupp ee) n.  1. Cap as in ice cap on a mountain. Danthee (dan thay)  1. Maybe.Danvay (dan vay)  1. Be careful.Dee fratta (dee frah tah)  1. That's.  2. That is.Deej (deej) n.  1. Father.Den (den)  1. No.De oppra (dee opp rah) adj.  1. Upper.  2. Top.Drik (drik) adj.  1. Happy.Drin (drin) adj.  1. Sick.Dutak (doo tok) n.  1. Arrow.Ee chee wa maa! (ee chee wah mah)  1. Wow.  2. Gee whiz!Ee choya! (ee choy ah) interj. 1. Hey.Eedada (ee dah dah) adj.  !. Over.
Eekeekeek (eek eek eek) n. 1. Forest.Eekeetuhkuh (ee kee tuh kuh) n.  1. Axe.Eetee (ee tee) adj.  1. Long.Eleeo (ee lee oh) adj.  1. Never.Eleeoth (ee lee awth) adj.  1. Far.Ehda (ay dah) adj.  1. Evil.  2. Bad.Ehshtee (esh tee) v.  1. Give.Ekla (ek lah) adj.  1. Big.Enenah (en en ah)  1. Where.Entzahee roda (ents zah hee roh dah) v.  1. Cook.E s'eesht (ee seesht) v.  1. Kill.Etke (ett keh) adj.  1. More.Feef (feef) n.  1. Plant.Fektur (fek tur) n.  1. Medicine.Freet (freet) n.  1. Sister.
Fruk (fruk) n.  1. Brother.Fulu (foo loo) n.  1. Circle.Geetch (geech) v.  1. Push.Gleeg (gleeg) n.  1. Drink.Glek (glek) adj.  1. Sad.Gooka (goo kah) n.  1. Shelter.Goopa (goo pah)  1. Hi.Goot (goot) adj.  1. Good.Graks (graks) n.  1. Monster.Grek (grek) n.  1. Hands.Grenchicit (gren chik it)  1. Hold on.Gyeesh (gyeesh)  1. Please.Heth (heth) n.  1. Pond.Hutar (hoo tar) n.  1. Danger.Hveetin (he veet in) n.  1. Glider.Jad (jad) adj.  1. Down.Jadgreh (jad greh) n.  1. Foot. Jarat (jah raht) n.  1. Branch.Jeejee (jee jee) n.  1. Face.Jeerota (jee roe tah) n.  1. Friend.Kash (kahsh)  1. How.Kla (klah)  1. From.Kna Naa (kuh nah nah) n.  1. Spirit tree.Kra (krah) adj.  1. Ready.Kreeth (kreeth) n.  1. Cave.Kush (koosh)  1. Who.Luka yit (loo kah yitt) n.  1. Pixie.Lulalar (loo lah lahr) v.  1. Sing.Lungee (lunj ee) adj.  1. Lost.Lurd (lerd) adj.  1. Dumb.  2. SillyLuu (loo) adj.  1. Beautiful.Luufi (loo fee) n. 1. Flower.Manna manna (man ah man ah)  n.  1. Food.Meechoo (mee choo)  1. I.Mookiee (moo kee) n.  1. Female baby Ewok.  2. Wokling. (1)Na-chin (nah chin) n.  1. Tribe.Na goo (nah goo) v.  1. Stop.Neetuhl (nee tul) adj.  1. Early. Ni gata (nee gah tah)  1. Where is..?.Noroway (nohr oh way)  1. Which.Nuv (nuhv) n.  1. Love.Oh (oh) adj.  1. Too.Ooba (oo bah) n.  1. Rain.Oodeed (oo deef) adj.  1. Sweet.Ota (oh tah)  1. To.Paamuk (pah mook) n.  1. Power.Pibooka (pih boo kah) n.  1. Clearing.Pola (poh lah) adj.  1. Polar.Powa (pow wah) n.  1. Power.Reh rehluu (reh reh loo) v.  1. Dance.Reshee (resh ee) n.  1. Map.Roda (roh dah) v.  1. To eat.Rueenee (roo ee nee) n.  1. Ruins.Ruha (roo hah) v.  1. Hit.Seefo (see foh) v.  1. Hurt.Sheeu (shee oo) n.  1. Name.Shetai (sheh tie) n.  1. Warrior.Shodu (sho doo) n.  1. Mother.
Sirut (seer oot) n.  1. Door.Siz (sihz) n.  1. Fire.Sku (skoo)  1. Hello.Sleesh (sleesh) n.  1. Berry.Sta (stah).  1. Now.Stoja (sto jah) n.  1. Station.Sunee (suh nee) n.  1. Sun.Sut (sutt) adj.  1. Soon.Ta (tah) def. art.  1. The.Tal (tale) n.  1. Sun.Teeha (tee hah) v.  1. Thank you.Teeket (tee kett) n.  1. Heart.Thees (theess) adj.  1. Good.Theesa (thee sah) n.  1. Baby.  2. Child.Thek (theck) adj.  1. Here.T'hesh (tuh hesh) adj.  1. Quiet.Thuk (thuck) n.  1. Rock.Treek (treek) v.  1. Go.Treekthin (treek thin) n.  1. Journey.Treeta Dobra (tree tah Doh brah) n.  1. Council of Elders.Tu (too) def. art.  1. The.Tyatee (ty ah tee) v.  1. Come.Veek (veek) adj.  1. Quick.Weewa (wee wah) n.  1. House.  2. Home.X'eef (zheef) n.  1. Ground.X'iutha (zhoo thah) adj.  1. Important.Yayath (ya yath) v.  1. Jump.
Yeh (yeh) adj.  1. Old.Yeha (yee hah)  1. Good-bye.Yehan (yeh han) n.  1. Peace.Yesh (yesh) adj.  1. Right.  2. Correct.Yiyult (yeye yult) n.  1. Cup.Yit (yitt) n.  1. Thing.Yub nub (yubb nubb) n.  1. Freedom.Yubnub (yub nub)  1. Hurray.Yud ehda (yood ay dah)  1. Alas.Yuf (yuhf) v.  1. Climb.Yungyet (yung yett) n.  1. Nut.Yupyup (yupp yupp)v.  1. Rejoice.Zeeg (zeeg) adj.  1. In.Zehg (zayg) adj.  1. Out.

Basic - Ewok Dictionary:
Alas (ah lass)  1. Yud ehda.Arrow (air row) n.  1. Dutak.Axe (ax) n.  1. Eekeetuhkuh.Baby (bay bee) n.  1. Theesa.Bad (bad) adj.  1. Ehda.Beautiful (bee a yu tee fool) adj.  1. Luu.Be careful (bee cair fool)  1. Danvay.Berry (burr ee) n.  1. Sleesh.Big (big) adj.  1. Ekla.Branch (branch) n.  1. Jarat.Bring (bring) v.  1. Chesl.Brother (bruh thur) n.  1. Fruk.Can you...? (kan yu)  1. Coro.Cave (kayv) n.  1. Kreeth.Celebrate (sell uh brate) v.  1. Coatee-cha.  2. Allayloo.Child (chy uld) n.  1. Theesa.Circle (sur kul) n.  1. Fulu.Clearing (kleer ing) n.  1. Pibooka.Climb (klym) v.  1. Yuf.Come (kuhm) v.  1. Tyatee.Cook (kuhk) v.  1. Entzahee roda.Correct (kor rekt) adj.  1. Yesh.Council of Elders (cown sul uhv el durz) n.  1. Treeta Dobra.Cup (cupp) n.  1. Yiyult.Dance (danss) v.  1. Reh rehluu.Danger (dain jur) n.  1. Hutar.Direction (dur rek shun) n.  1. Bi toto.Door (dor) n.  1. Sirut.Down (down) adj.  1. Jad.Drink (drink) n.  1. Gleeg.Dumb (dumm) adj.  1. Lurd.Early (url lee) adj.  1. Neetuhl.Eat (eet) v.  1. Roda.Enough (ee nuff) adj.  1. Choo doo.Evil (ee vill) adj.  1. Ehda.Face (fayss) n.  1. Jeejee.Far (fahr) adj.  1. Eleeoth. Far away (fahr ah way)  adj.  1. Bok chuu-ock.Father (fah thur) n.  1. Deej. Female baby ewok (fee mail bay bee ee wok) n.  1. Mookiee. (1)Fetch (fech) v.  1. Chesl.Fire (fy ur) n.  1. Siz. Flower (flow ur) n.  1. Luufi.Food (fude) n.  1. Manna manna.Foot (fuht) n.  1. Jadgreh.Forest (for est) n.  1. Eekeekeek.Forward (for ward) adj.  1. Ando.Free (free) adj.  1. Che.Freedom (free dumm) n.  1. Yub nub.Friend (frend) n.  1. Jeerota.From (frum) n.  1. Kla.Gee whiz (jee wiz)  1. Ee chee wa maa.Give (giv) v.  1. Ehshtee.Glider (gly dur) n.  1. Hveetin.Go (goh) v.  1. Treek.Good (good) adj.  1. Thees.  2. Goot.Good-bye (gud by)  1. Yeha.Ground (grownd) n  1. X'eef.Guide (gyde) v.  1. Bingee.Hands (handz) n.  1. Grek.Happy (hap pee) adj.  1. Drik.Hear (heer) v.  1. Akeeata.Help (help) v.  1. Chyasee.Here (heer) adj.  1. Thek.Hey (hay) interj. 1. Ee choya.Heart (hart) n.  1. Teeket.Hello (hell loh)  1. Sku.Hi (hy)  1. Goopa.Hit (hitt) v.  1. Ruha.Hold on (hold on)  1. Grenchicit.Home (hoam) n.  1. Weewa.House (howss) n.  1. Weewa.How (how)  1. Kash.Hurray (hur ray)  1. Yubnub.Hurt (hert) v.  1. Seefo.I (eye)  1. Meechoo.Important (im poor tunt) adj.  1. X'iutha.In (in) adj.  1. Zeeg.Journey (jur nee) n.  1. Treekthin.Jump (jump) v.  1. Yayath.
Kill (kill) v.  1. E s'eesht.Listen (liss en) v.  1. Arandee.Long (lawng) adj.  1. Eetee.Lost (lost) adj.  1. Lungee.Love (luv) n.  1. Nuv.Magic (maj ick) n.  1. Azar.Map (mapp) n.  1. Reshee.Maybe (may bee)  1. Danthee.May I have (may i hav)  1. Chiotto.Medicine (med ih sin) n.  1. Fektur.Monster (mon stir) n.  1. Graks.Moon (moon) n.  1. Chiutatal.More (moor) adj.  1. Etke.Mother (muth ur) n.  1. Shodu.
Mountain (moun tun) n.  1. Churi.Much (much) adj.  1. Chuck.Name (naym) n.  1. Sheeu.Never (neh vur) adj.  1. Eleeo.No (noh)  1. Den.Now (now)  1. Sta.Nut (nutt) n.  1. Yungyet.Okay (oh kay)  1. Acha.Old (old) adj.  1. Yeh.Out (owt) adj.  1. Zehg.Over (oh vur) adj.  1. Eedada.
Peace (peess) n.  1. Yehan.Pixie (picks see) n.  1. Luka yit.Plant (plant) n.  1. Feef.Please (pleez)  1. Gyeesh.Polar (pol lur) adj.  1. Pola.Pond (pond) n.  1. Heth.Power (pau wur) n.  1. Paamuk.  2. Powa.Pull (pool) v.  1. Aahrgutcha.Push (puhsh) v.  1. Geetch.Quick (quik) adj.  1. Veek.Quiet (quy ett) adj.  1. T'hesh.Rain (rayn) n.  1. Ooba.Ready (red ee) adj.  1. Kra.Rejoice (ree joyss) v.  1. Yupyup.Right (ryte) adj. 1. Yesh.Rock (rokk) n.  1. Thuck.Ruins (roo inz) n.  1. Rueenee.Sad (sad) adj.  1. Glek.Shelter (shell tur) n.  1. Gooka.Sick (sikk) adj.  1. Drin.Silly (sil lee) adj.  1. Lurd.Sing (sing) v.  1. Lulalar.Sister (siss tur) n.  1. Freet.
Soon (soon) adj.  1. Sut.Spirit Tree (speer it tree) n.  1. Kna Naa.Station (staysh un) n.  1. Stoja.Stop (stopp) v.  1. Na goo.Sun (sunn) n.  1. Sunee.  2. Tal.Sweet (sweet) adj.  1. Oodeef.Thank you (thank yoo) v.  1. Teeha.That's (thatss)  1. Dee fratta.The (thuh)  1. Tu.  2. Ta.Them (them)  1. Chaa.Thing (thing) n.  1 Yit.To (too)  1. Ota.Too (too) adj.  1. Oh.Top (topp) adj.  1. De opra.Tribe (trybe) n.  1. Na-chin.Upper (upp pur) adj.  1. De oppra.Warrior (wor ee or) n  1. Shetai.Water (wuh tur) n.  1. Ah-ah.
Where (ware)  1. Enenah.Where is..? (ware iz)  1. Ne gata.  Which (wich)  1. Noroway.Who (hoo)  1. Kush.Wokling (wok ling) n.  1. Mookiee. (1)Wow (wow)  1. Ee chee wa maa.Yes (chack)  1. Chak.

Ewok Lessons:

Replace these 'English' words in your daily life with 'Ewok' words in these phrases.
Axe -> Eekeetuhkuh
I chopped the tree down with an
axe.I chopped the tree down with an eekeetuhkuh.Brother -> Fruk
brother is a real brat.
fruk is a real brat.Beautiful -> Luu
The ocean is very
beautiful at sunset.
The ocean is very
luu at sunset.Please -> Gyeesh
Please pass the carrots.Gyeesh pass the carrots.Berry -> Sleesh
I like the new
berry cheerios.
I like the new
sleesh cheerios.Fire -> Siz
Chestnuts roasting on an open
fire. Chestnuts roasting on an open siz. Far away -> Bok chuu-ock
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
bok chuu-ock.
Cook -> Entzahee roda
I can
cook a whole turkey.
I can
entzahee roda a whole turkey. Eat -> Roda
eats like a pig.
roda like a pig. Early -> Neetuhl
early bird catches the worm.
neetuhl bird catches the worm.

Ewokese Number Chart:
1     Chu
                                                                           2     Fic
                                                                           3     Chim
                                                                           4     Hoji
                                                                           5     N'la
                                                                           6     N'dla
                                                                           7     Voo
                                                                           8     J'voo
                                                                           9     Coki
                                                                         10     Eedeez

Say a big thank you to the creator of the website The Complete Wermo's Guide


 for discovering all these words

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